Week 9 Mid Side Processing

Lesson Plan: Advanced Spatial Mixing Techniques in Ableton Live and Logic Pro

Week 09: Advanced Spatial Mixing Techniques in Ableton Live and Logic Pro


This week, we’ll explore advanced spatial mixing techniques using Ableton Live and Logic Pro as our Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) of reference. Understanding how to manipulate the stereo field effectively is crucial for creating immersive mixes that translate well across different playback systems.

Our focus will be on:

  • Mid/Side Processing and Stereo Imaging
  • Creating Width in a Mix
  • Ensuring Mono Compatibility

We’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to achieve these techniques in both Ableton Live and Logic Pro.

1. Mid/Side Processing and Stereo Imaging

Understanding Mid/Side Processing

Mid/Side (M/S) processing separates a stereo signal into its mid (center) and side (stereo) components, allowing independent manipulation of these elements. This technique enhances control over the stereo image.

  • Mid (M): Contains audio common to both left and right channels—centered elements like vocals and bass.
  • Side (S): Contains differences between left and right channels—panned instruments and effects.

How Mid/Side Processing Works

  • Encoding Process:
    • Mid = Left + Right
    • Side = Left – Right
  • Decoding Process:
    • Left = (Mid + Side) / 2
    • Right = (Mid – Side) / 2

Applications of Mid/Side Processing

  • Equalization (EQ):
    • Mid Channel EQ: Adjust central elements without affecting sides.
    • Side Channel EQ: Shape stereo elements independently.
  • Compression:
    • Mid Compression: Control dynamics of central elements.
    • Side Compression: Glue panned instruments together.
  • Stereo Enhancement: Increase side levels to widen the stereo image.
  • Problem Solving:
    • De-essing: Reduce vocal sibilance in the mid channel.
    • Noise Reduction: Clean up side channels without affecting the mid.

Practical Examples in Ableton Live and Logic Pro

In Ableton Live:

  • Using EQ Eight for M/S EQ:
    1. Insert EQ Eight on a Track: Drag and drop EQ Eight onto the desired track.
    2. Enable Mid/Side Mode: Click on the “Mode” button and select “M/S.”
    3. Adjust Mid Channel: Select the “Mid” channel and apply EQ adjustments.
    4. Adjust Side Channel: Select the “Side” channel and apply EQ adjustments.
  • Applying M/S Compression with Glue Compressor:
    1. Insert Glue Compressor: Place it on the track or group.
    2. Enable M/S Processing: Use a third-party plugin like Voxengo MSED before the compressor to split the signal.

In Logic Pro:

  • Using Channel EQ for M/S EQ:
    1. Insert Channel EQ on a Track: Click on an empty plugin slot and select “EQ > Channel EQ (Stereo).”
    2. Enable Mid/Side Mode: Click the “Side Chain” menu and select “Mid/Side.”
    3. Adjust Mid and Side Channels: Use the “M” and “S” buttons to toggle between channels and apply EQ.
  • Applying M/S Compression with Multipressor:
    1. Insert Multipressor: Select “Dynamics > Multipressor (Stereo).”
    2. Enable M/S Mode: Open the “Routing” menu and select “Mid/Side.”
    3. Adjust Compression Settings: Independently compress mid and side channels.

2. Creating Width in a Mix: Techniques to Widen the Stereo Field

Panning Techniques

Conventional Panning

  • Ableton Live: Use the pan knob on each track to position elements in the stereo field.
  • Logic Pro: Utilize the pan knob or the “Stereo Pan” feature for more precise control.

LCR Panning (Left-Center-Right)

Pan elements hard left, center, or hard right for clarity.

  • Implementation in Ableton Live: Set the pan knob fully left (-64) or right (+63).
  • Implementation in Logic Pro: Pan fully left or right using the pan knob.

Stereo Widening Tools

Stereo Imaging Plugins

  • Ableton Live: Use the “Utility” device to adjust the “Stereo Width” parameter (>100% widens the stereo field).
  • Logic Pro: Use the “Direction Mixer” to adjust the “Spread” control.

Delay and Modulation Effects

Haas Effect
  • Ableton Live: Duplicate the track, pan hard left/right, and insert “Simple Delay” on one track with 1-35 ms delay.
  • Logic Pro: Use the “Sample Delay” plugin and adjust the “Delay Left” or “Delay Right” parameter.
Chorus and Flanger
  • Ableton Live: Use “Chorus-Ensemble” or “Flanger” devices to add modulation and width to a track.
  • Logic Pro: Use “Modulation > Chorus” or “Flanger” plugins to achieve similar effects.

3. Mono Compatibility: Ensuring Your Mix Translates Well in Mono

Common Issues and Solutions

  • Disappearing Elements: Phase cancellation causes sounds to vanish in mono. Regularly check your mix in mono and adjust phase as needed.
  • Balance Shifts: Mix becomes unbalanced when summed to mono. Keep critical elements centered and avoid excessive widening.

Techniques to Ensure Mono Compatibility

  • Regular Mono Checks:
    • Ableton Live: Insert “Utility” on the master channel and enable “Mono.”
    • Logic Pro: Use the “Gain” plugin and enable the “Mono” checkbox to sum the mix to mono.
  • Phase Correlation Meters:
    • Ableton Live: Use the “Spectrum” device or a third-party plugin like Voxengo Span for basic phase analysis.
    • Logic Pro: Use the “Multimeter” plugin by inserting “Metering > Multimeter” on the master channel. Use the “Goniometer” and “Correlation Meter” for detailed phase analysis.
  • Controlled Stereo Enhancement: Apply widening effects carefully and always monitor the effects in mono to ensure there are no phase issues.
  • Mid/Side Processing: Use M/S EQ to address problematic frequencies in the side channels that might cause issues when summed to mono.


1. Applying Spatial Mixing Techniques

Apply spatial mixing techniques to your project using Ableton Live or Logic Pro.

Exercise Steps

  1. Select a Project: Choose a mix with various elements.
  2. Identify Elements for Enhancement: Decide which instruments need spatial treatment.
  3. Create a Panning Map: Plan instrument positions in the stereo field.
  4. Apply Effects:
    • Ableton Live: Use “Utility,” “Chorus-Ensemble,” “Hybrid Reverb,” etc.
    • Logic Pro: Use “Direction Mixer,” “Chorus,” “Space Designer,” etc.
  5. Implement Mid/Side Processing: Use M/S EQ and compression as previously described.

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